Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Get To Work!

Dear Upstate South Carolinians:

The 350 Movement has been a wonderful effort to get people motivated in affecting change, specifically environmental change, in the U.S. as well as around the world. I think this grassroots effort will continue to take off as people begin to realize what a detriment we are to the environment. just put out an announcement stating that the next day that we will be focusing on in October 10th, 2010 (10/10/10). In the meantime, it's time to get to work! Take action to promote sustainability in our local community!

Some things you can do:

  • Start a garden! Growing your own produce is an excellent way to give back to the environment, as well as a great way to promote personal health! If you don't have a yard, consider adopting a plot at a community garden. I currently have a plot at the St. Francis Community Garden here in Greenville, SC.
  • Use your feet! Walking or riding your bike, rather than driving helps reduce emissions. If this is not feasible due to your location, consider consolidating trips if possible, carpooling, and investing in a hybrid or alternative fuel vehicle.
  • Recycle and compost! If you don't recycle already, but it's available in your community, go visit the recycling center and find out what you can recycle. Invest $20 in some decent re-usable tubs to collect and transport your recycling. Composting takes a bit more of an effort, but if you recycle AND compost, I bet your trash will be very minimal!
  • Unplug appliances you don't use regularly and turn off the lights. This will also help your electricity bill!
  • Consider vegetarianism or veganism. Check out Skinny Bitch and PETA if you want more information.
  • Join the movement! Create an action plan for yourself and get your friends involved. The more the merrier! Use social networking sites to get the word out - if you live in Upstate South Carolina, please join our facebook group!